- Calendar compensation
As many players above Platinum had their calendar reset we decided to compensate for the loss by giving 3 random gems for each player in Platinum, Diamond and Legend. Our QA is working on an efficient way to put the calendar back to its good version for the players concerned about this issue.
- “How come I can sometimes harvest 60 bonuses daily and sometimes 600?”
The usual bonus-harvesting cap is fixed at 60 every day. However, for special occasions like seasonal events, we raise the limit to 600, only temporarily. For instance, the last seasonal event we held (Easter) did come with a harvesting capacity boost.
- Suggestions
We’ve received numerous interesting suggestions as always. Many players have shown interest in having the game translated into different languages. Accessibility is a priority for us, though at present, translation isn’t our foremost focus. However, if there’s substantial demand for a specific language, we’re open to considering it. Furthermore, some of you have suggested seeing us more often on Twitch. While regular streaming isn’t in our current plans, we’re exploring the possibility of increasing our presence on the platform.
- Community Survey results
Thank you very much for participating in our recent survey, which probed your opinion regarding two recent elements of the game: Valor Points and the 90% cap for the Brave and Fearless stats. Over 1200 players across all leagues and regions answered, delivering us the following results:
- There is a general satisfaction with the Valor Points system and the fact that the VP leaderboard determines your league placement each season.
- The 90% cap is also broadly accepted and praised by the community. For respondents representing the leagues from Bronze to Diamond, at least 50% in each league were in favour of maintaining the current cap (i.e. not raising or lowering it).
- In Diamond, only 32% of respondents showed their interest in having a Brave and Fearless cap inferior to 90%.
We will continue to rely on your feedback as a community in the future, so stay tuned for upcoming surveys!