Welcome to this special Halloween Season! Get ready to conquer fear in addition to your enemies as we unroll our special events. You’ll also find the details of update 5.2.1 below.
Special currency: indulge yourselves with a new time-limited shop and get your hands on our new Halloween city skin! Collect the special currency through gift clans, expeditions and map bonuses.
Halloween Bundle: a new special bundle, only available during the 3 first days of the season.
Bravery leads to victory: your Brave stat is set to 50% minimum.
Lucky Legendary: On Friday 13th, from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC, the legendary item drop rate is doubled!
XP Boost:get twice the XP from defending unit killed during your attacks, from October 16th 00:00 UTC to October 21st 23:59 UTC.
Gem swap cost discount:-50% on your gem swaps, from October 21st 00:00 UTC to October 22nd 23:59 UTC.
Troop & Gold Production x2 boosted city production, from October 21st 00:00 UTC to October 26th 23:59 UTC.
Update 5.2.1: Patch Note
Fixed bugs
-Fixed the issue that caused clan quests to reset.
-Fixed an issue that prevented VIP Council Pass subscribers from getting their daily sapphire allowance.
-Other small improvements
-Diamond players now get 2 skill points per level.
-Legend players now get 3 skill points per level.
Join us on Discord to talk with other players! Good luck this season, Lords